Come check out all of the new fabrics since the last time you visited.  Several new children’s lines, new samples, Kansas Troubles, Northcott, Moda, Benartex, new patterns & lots of Quilter’s Select rulers to choose from. 

Want to come sew with friends for a day?? Give me a call and you and your friends can sew here in the shop classroom.   

Upcoming shop closures:  December 24th & 25th and December 31st & January 1st.  


Quilts and Runners

Completed quilts will be on sale in the shop and priced as marked. Shop samples will be for sale when the  fabric line is no longer being featured. I plan to continue doing custom order complete quilts  as long as I can while also having the shop open.

Pricing for these projects is very individual based on fabric choices, size, and the time involved in the quilt. Typically, a crib sized quilt would start in the range of $150.00 to $175.00 and go up to approximately $250.00.

A throw sized quilt (approximately 60”x60”) generally starts in the $275.00 range and goes up from there. Queen sized quilts typically start in the $500 range and go up from there, while King sized quilts start in the $750.00 range.

The client is involved throughout the entire process when I am working on a custom order quilt. I will text or call regularly to check on preferences and progress. Your imagination is the limit when it comes to a  custom order quilt.

Clients wishing to purchase a custom quilt must meet with me and will sign a service agreement prior to the  start of the project. A $100 deposit will be collected at the time the service agreement is signed.

**All pricing is subject to change with cost of materials and numbers given here are an estimate and a starting point.